diumenge, 8 de gener del 2006

Roger Sanchez - Another Chance

If I had another chance tonight
I'd try to tell you that the things we had were right

If I had another chance tonight
I'd try to tell you that the things we had were right

If I had another chance tonight (x2)

If I had another chance tonight
I'd try to tell you that the things we had were right

If I had another chance tonight
I'd try to tell you that the things we had were right

If I had another chance tonight
I'd try to tell you that the things we had were right

If I had another chance tonight
I'd try to tell you that the things we had were right

If I had another chance tonight (x4)

If I had another chance tonight
I'd try to tell you that the things we had were right

If I had another chance tonight
I'd try to tell you that the things we had were right

If I had another chance tonight
I'd try to tell you that the things we had were right

If I had another chance tonight
I'd try to tell you that the things we had were right

If I had another chance tonight (x4)
(fade out)

Perquè va marcar una època.


Anònim deia...

ei polete una bona canço per enamorar

Unknown deia...

Si t'he enamorat, i ets Ella dir-te dues coses:
1era: Fots tard !
2ona: Truca'm !

Unknown deia...

Això de Polete, m'ho van dir la setmana passada, a l'Ugly, però qui m'ho va dir no crec ni que sàpiga que tinc Blog.
Encara que fa molts anys, a 1er de batxillerat, una amiga tb m'ho deia tot sovint ... però tampoc sap que tinc Blog, no ?

Music sounds better with you, baby

Cita: Otros muchos me han mostrado también que las únicas barreras están en nuestra mente. at El Sentido de la Vida
Màxima: Dentro de 20 años no te arrepentirás de lo que hiciste, sino de lo que no te atreviste a hacer by Mark Twain