dimecres, 14 de desembre del 2005

The Verve Pipe - Colorful

The show is over close the story book
There will be no encore
And all the random hands that I have shook
Well they’re reaching for the door
I watch their backs as they leave single file
But you stood stubborn, cheering all the while

I know I can be colorful
I know I can be gray
But I know this loser’s living fortunate
Cause I know you will love me either way

Most were being good for goodness sake
But you wouldn’t pantomime
You are more beautiful when you awake
Than most are in a lifetime
Through the haze that is my memory well
You stayed for drama though you paid for a comedy

I know I can be colorful
I know I can be gray
But I know this loser’s living fortunate
Cause I know you will love me either way

Look ahead as far as you can see
We’ll live in drama but we’ll die in a comedy
I know I can be colorful...

*Escoltada a "Rock Star", on en Chris Cole deixa anar un "si trabajas a tope y lo deseas a tope, los sueños se hacen realidad". Mentida !
Puta ...
**Quan sigui caurà un post (i un meteorit, i un moc, i un canvi, i ... una putada, o dues, o tres, ...).


oli6 deia...

Corroboro (avui ben escrit) que la frase és del tot incerta, mentida!!!! Tot i que s'ha de dir que queda molt bé...

Unknown deia...

És la peli que et vaig dir ahir, "Rock Star", on tenim una Jennifer Aniston ... tan terrenal i alhora tan prop dels angels. Te la passo, junt am el CS, el NFS-MW, les pantalles d'avui, etc. això sí, passat APA. ;)

Versek deia...

bueno pol com se que rebras aixo, rollo mail, doncs que dema celebro el meu cumple, si no feu res per la nit i voleu sortir... ja sabeu. No se on anirem, s'aceptan propostes. Bon nadal ;) !!!

Music sounds better with you, baby

Cita: Otros muchos me han mostrado también que las únicas barreras están en nuestra mente. at El Sentido de la Vida
Màxima: Dentro de 20 años no te arrepentirás de lo que hiciste, sino de lo que no te atreviste a hacer by Mark Twain