divendres, 10 de desembre del 2004


Us presento el llistat de GameBoy Advance SP del que podem disfrutar actulament:

Notícies sobre la GBA SP:
Flash memory Game Boy cartridges are always welcome around here, so seeing this MPEG4/MP3 player with a built-in SD slot was notable enough—then I realized it was from Nintendo themselves, which is even more surprising. Obviously, it's not designed to play games, but the unit can play back movies for up to 4 hours at the Game Boy Advance SP's native resolution (352 by 288 pixels) as well as play back MP3s with the screen off for up to 15 hours on a charge." <-- Reproductor de DivX i MP3 per a la GBA SP amb suport per a targetes SD (Secure Digital).

Game Boy

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